Obama faked 2002 Anti-War Speech for Ad: New Book

Why this is coming out now in Jerome Corsi's new book The Obama Nation is a mystery since you would think that Hilalry's crack research team would have vetted every single ad Obama put out during the primary campaign.

But the fact is, an ad run by Obama during the primaries featuring a supposed snippet of his anti-war speech in Chicago in 2002 is probably faked. That's because no one can find any video of the speech anywhere. All that exists is a small snip of audio. This from none other than the liberal NPR:

The speech was given at an anti-war rally on Oct. 2, 2002.....Jessie Jackson was the main speaker.  Obama's speech went mainly unnoticed. He had not yet announced his run for the Senate, although now he claims he risked his political career.  Of course we know that there was NO risk in running against Alan Keyes, all Obama had to do was breathe..

The speech was given at an anti-war rally on Oct. 2, 2002.....He had not yet announced his run for the Senate, although now he claims he risked his political career.  Of course we know that there was NO risk in running against Alan Keyes, all Obama had to do was breathe..

Gonyea says....."In an age of YouTube there is no video of the speech and only a snippet of audio. The Obama campaign has reenacted the speech in a campaign AD they are now running."

If there is no video available it would seem the entire Obama anti-war speech on which he is basing his Ad campaign may be faked.  In fact the entire speech could be distorted.

And this from the same website's Morning Dispatch

 Even in this era of YouTube and camera phones, a recording of Obama's speech is all but impossible to find. The Obama campaign has gone so far as to re-create portions of the speech for a television ad, with the candidate re-reading the text, with audience sound effects.

Contemporary accounts don't even mention Obama - an insignificant state senator at the time (so much for putting his political career on the line for opposing the Iraq war in a district so far to the left, Che would win in a landslide). But since this report is from last March - a report by a mainstream news outlet - why this is the first we're hearing of Obama faking an anti-war ad.

Just more evidence that Obama is not what he appears to be and that the press will go a long way to cover that fact up.

Hat Tip: Ed Lasky

Ed adds:

Corsi points out that there is no record of Obama's anti-war speech-no video, no audio, no written record. Instead, his speech was simulated after the fact in a  sound studio much later-complete with phony crowd sounds. He said during the primary campaign that he was in the midst of a US Senate campaign when he made the speech-making it seem as if it was a bold, risky move on his part- an act of courage. Not true-he gave the speech in  Nov. 2002. He did not announce his run for the Senate until Jan. 2003

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